Clark Shao’s BIG Bicep Day — Demonstrated By Clark’s Student & Former SPS Sales Director Mike Chang
The #1 Way to Max Your Muscle Gains:
Yo Guys,
It’s Mike with Sixpack Shortcuts… You want some BIG biceps? I’ve got the workout for you today! It’s bicep day today, you’re going to want to grab a pen a paper and write this workout down. It’s workouts like this one today that will get you on track to being confident in every T-shirt you wear and finally having the body you’ve always wanted.
Workout Breakdown:
4 Exercises / 8 – 12 Reps / 4 Sets Each / Minimal Rest Time
1) Dumbbell Curls
2) Dumbbell Preacher Curls
3) Dumbbell Alternating Curls – on incline bench
4) Overhand Barbell Curls
1:11 First let me get a sip of my shake – Check out how to make my Muscle Building Shake here:
You ready? I’m ready, let’s do this!
Video Breakdown:
1) Dumbbell Curls –
1:40 Set 1
2:02 Set 2
2:50 Set 3
3:16 Set 4
And you know, this is such a small muscle group you really don’t have to spend that much time these. I recommend that you spend 30 minutes max doing biceps – 45 minutes if you really are just taking your time.
2) Dumbbell Preacher Curls
3:36 Set 1
4:35 This is the best way to do this if you only have an incline bench to do these with – like I do.
5:10 Set 2
6:21 Set 3
7:05 Set 4
3) Dumbbell Alternating Curls
8:02 Set 1
8:39 Set 2
9:21 Set 3
10:04 Set 4
4) Overhand Barbell Curls
11:07 Set 1
11:55 Set 2
12:21 Set 3
12:55 Set 4
Ok guys, that’s it for biceps today – 4 exercises hitting it from ALL angles! Let’s review this routine and go over some quick tips:
13:33 Dumbbell Curls
– If you’re sitting down, keep your feet and knees together this way you have more room on the sides of your body to have the correct form
13:44 Dumbbell Preacher Curls
– If you’re using an incline bench like I did, make sure that you have your armpit all the way down touching the bench. If you’re not using this form then you will have the tendency to use your secondary muscles and not work your biceps as well.
14:21 Alternating Dumbbell Curls
– When you do the curl be sure that you point your bicep directly in front of you, think about pointing the outside of your fist to the ceiling. You’ll hit the correct part of your bicep and be able to have a full range of motion with you extend back out.
14:53 Overhand Barbell Curls
– With this one just keep in mind the actual muscle you’re working – which is the brachialis – because when you do this exercise you’re going to feel it in your forearm. So just focus on where you’re supposed to be feeling it and really squeeze that muscle.
So don’t forget these tips and give this a try for your next bicep day. I hope you enjoyed this video, if you want more workouts just like this one as well as diet and nutrition tips and tricks come back to see us again or click any of the links you see here. Don’t forget to leave your comments below and as always keep those progress pics coming in!
Watch this video that shows you the one “new style” of muscle building that you can use on your very next workout:
I want to tell you one thing that will change your life forever… it’s easy, simple and will ensure that you the ripped, muscular body that you’ve always wanted as fast as possible. I know it works because it’s the one TRICK that worked for me… and it also helped to transform over 100,000 guys from around the world as well. If I can do it… and they can do it… then you can do it too! All of us already have the ripped muscular body we’ve always wanted. Now it’s your turn:
Mike Chang
Be sure to share this video with your friends! –