
Why Books Are Stupid…And The Better Way To GAIN KNAWLEDGE

Why Books Are Stupid…And The Better Way To GAIN KNAWLEDGE



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How I Stay Fit During The Holidays:

Hey Guys!

Jonny here with Six Pack Shortcuts. I’m here today in my garage with my freshly detailed Dodge SRT Charger. I’m really proud of this car since it’s a reminder everyday of what hard work can get you…but do you want to know what I like a lot more than materialistic things? KNOWLEDGE.

I’m more excited and proud to show off my book collection with you today…I have access to THOUSANDS of books right here, all thanks to my Audible app. Most people don’t know this about me…but I HATE reading. With the Audible app, I can download any book I want and simply just listen to it – on my way to the gym, during my workouts or when I’m cooking and doing food prep in the kitchen.

As a thank you to all you Six Pack Shortcuts followers, sign up today at and your first book is on me!

I just got done with The Mind-Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer and it hammered home one of the most important things in fitness that so many people forget – “you are what you eat.” I definitely encourage you guys to give this book a listen because it makes avoiding food temptations a whole lot easier when you discover the real effects that sugar and other processed foods have on our mind and bodies.

Since we’re on the topic of knowledge and eating, I want to share with you all this sweet recipe my girlfriend whipped up to help satisfy your sweet tooth and still make sure you’re on track to that lean physique… Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Bites.

Ingredients : 1 large banana, 4 pitted dates, ¼ cup of coconut flour, 1 scoop of Alpha Meal protein powder, ½ cup of rolled oats and 1 handful of dairy-free chocolate chips.

Let’s get started:
1) First, add the dates and the banana into the blender and blend until the mixture is smooth.

2) Add coconut flour and oats to the blender now, continuing to process until ingredients are well combined and the mixture sticks together easily. You might have to add a splash of water or almond milk to make sure the mixture doesn’t clump up – then transfer the mixture to a bowl.

3) Toss in your scoop of protein and two handfuls of the chocolate chips and using a spoon, gently combine the mixture.

4) Now with the spoon, scoop out small dollops of the mixture into little balls – place the little balls into a tupperware container and pop them in the freezer for about 15 minutes.

You want to know what’s so crazy about these delicious bites…You can eat an entire batch of these and still be consuming less calories than you would if you had 3 slices of cheesecake!
If you guys loved these amazing protein morsels as much as I do and are still looking for more ways to still have sweets in your life while trying to add some muscle and burn of some body fat, keep checking in with us here at Six Pack Shortcuts for more recipes. Don’t forget guys – like, share and subscribe

Until next time everyone,
Jonny Catanzano

P.S. – If this helped to reflect on a bad time in your life and turn it into fuel to succeed or if you think you know somebody who could use a little extra motivation, please like and share it –

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