
3 Fat-Burning Workouts For Getting That Girl At The Gym With Clark & Brigitt

3 Fat-Burning Workouts For Getting That Girl At The Gym With Clark & Brigitt



Start Towards A Leaner Physique Now:

Hey Guys, Clark here today with Abs After 40. Today I’m joined by the beautiful trainer Brigitt to go over how to start training to attract the attention of lovely woman like her at the gym.

If you want to be able to attract woman like Brigitt and get their attention in the gym, it’s no secret that you’re going to need a achieve a lean body. Today Brigitt and I are going to go through compound workouts to help burn fat to get the six pack showing.

Compound movements benefit the body by helping to burn more body fat and build up natural testosterone levels in the body. The body fat needs to come off and the test levels need to be elevated to make sure the weight stays off and your building lean, healthy muscle to keep it from coming back. This way you continue on towards the more lean, athletic physique you’ve always wanted. Let’s get started:

1:33 – Thrusters or Squat Push-Press – Start by grab a set of dumbbells. In a standing position with your feet just outside hip width, bring the dumbbells up to rest on top of the shoulders with palms facing out – this is your start position. Begin the movement by initiating a squat with your weight shifted to your heels and thighs coming down to parallel with the ground. As you come up from the squat, begin a shoulder press motion with the dumbbells straight up, getting your arms to become fully extended when back to standing all the way up.

3:47 – Burpees – Standing with feet at a shoulders width apart, start the movement by bending your legs at the knee and upper body down at the hips going forward towards the ground. Reach your arms down to the ground at shoulder width just few inches above your toes. Kick your feet back and land on your toes, using your arms to control your chest going to the ground – at this point laying flat with your chest on the ground in push-up position. Push up with the arms and bring your legs back up, raising your arms and jumping to clap above your head.

6:16 – Weight “Sled” Push – You’ll first need to make sure you have a flat, rounded weight and flooring that won’t grip the weight to properly execute the movement. Get into the start position behind the weight, keeping the core tight with elbows and knees bent. Always make sure to be on your toes through the whole exercise. Begin by pushing the weight forward, walking your legs forward and driving the weight across the floor. When you reach the other side, turn to the other side of the weight and push it back to the initial starting point, ending one repetition.

The compound exercises Brigitt and I did today are designed to engage multiple muscle groups at the same time to really get the heart rate up and the blood pumping. Doing full-body training this way 4-5 times a week will definitely help to really burn fat and build that toned and lean goal physique, grabbing the attention of women at the gym you’ve been looking for.

If you guys were able to start the workouts and get the blood pumping but are still struggling or have questions on how to really burn fat, build muscle and take your fitness transformation all the way, leave a comment below so we can keep cranking out videos to help you guys out.

Until Next Time…TRAIN HARD!
-Clark Bartram

P.S. If the workouts and advice in the video started helping you out with the ladies or know someone who could can benefit from the view, please like and share it here:

Burn Fat & Get Chicks With Clark:

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