
The Best Ways For Men Over 40 To Lose Belly Fat

The Best Ways For Men Over 40 To Lose Belly Fat



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If You’re A Man Over 40, You Need To See This:
What’s up, guys? This is Mark. In this video, we’re going to talk about how to lose your belly fat. The tips and strategies that I’m going to talk about may be a little bit different, you’re going to be surprised – trust me

I was on Audible the other day, and I came across a book I thnk a lot of guys watching Abs After 40 could look to benefit from: “Naturally Triple Your Testosterone – A Guide to Hacking Your Hormones & Becoming Superhuman by Peter Paulson.”

I always want to read up on the latest and greatest tips for boosting testosterone, but I just don’t have the time like I would want to comb the internet, do my own research, and do more and more fact checking. But, with Audible, I just download books, and I can just listen to them while I’m doing things like working on my cars, cooking, cleaning, etc.

To make it easier for you all watching, if you go ahead and go to you can get your first download FREE on me; how cool is that? Just go to the website: and I got you covered.

Anyways – back to my “different” tips I learned for boosting testosterone:

2:45 – #1: Increase Exposure To Cold Temperatures – This is a no-brainer if you’re tired and sore from training and want to help out your aching joints. You can quickly and easily do this my placing an ice pack on the back of your neck for 10-15 minute intervals as you are sitting around listen to Audible or watching TV. A bit more drastic way to do this is to either submerge yourself in an ice bath or for the last 10 minutes of your shower turning the water to cold.

3:35 – #2: Eat Full-Fat, Grass-Fed Butter – You can do this by simply buying a healthy, natural grass-fed butter and spreading it on your morning toast or cooking your breakfast in a serving of it. This way, you are getting a great source of vitamin A and K, as well as the necessary saturated fats that are crucial for testosterone production.

4:06 – #3: Do Compound Exercises & HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) – Today we’re going to go over 3 of my favorite workouts that incorporate these two styles of training to help boost testosterone. And al you need is a light set of dumbbells. Let’s get started:

5:06 – Weighted Lunge Curls: Do 10 lunges per leg with 20 bicep curls. You will alternate each leg while curling both dumbbells at the same time as you come up.

6:00 – Dumbbell Push-Ups to One-Arm Rows: Do 20 push-ups total with 10 rows per arm. As you are coming up from eh push-up, you are going to alternate each arm to row.

7:09 – Knee-to-Elbow Taps: Do 10 reps on each side. Since you’ll already be in a push-up position with your dumbbells in place, you can go right into these.

Do all these moves back-to-back for 3 rounds with a 30-45 second break in between rounds to really help boost those test levels up to burn off that stubborn belly fat.

What other topics are you struggling with when it comes to your belly fat? Are you stuck not knowing how to train? Let us know in the comments below.

As always, don’t forget to: like share, and subscribe here to Six Pack Shortcuts and Abs After 40:

We’ll See You Next Time,
Take Control Of Your Test Levels Today:
P.S. If you liked the video and know of someone who could really use the tips and workout, make sure to like and share it here:

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