
Fast 3-Step Workout for Bigger Shoulders For A Better V-Taper | Connor Murphy

Fast 3-Step Workout for Bigger Shoulders For A Better V-Taper | Connor Murphy



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What’s up, guys. Today we’re going to go over how to build bigger, better shoulders by just using one dumbbell.

There are 3 different parts of the shoulder to understand when trying to build bigger muscle there, so let’s break it down. You have the anterior deltoid in the front, medial deltoid in the middle and side with the posterior deltoid in the back.

Building up your shoulders is a very important muscle group to work out when it comes to trying to achieve that aesthetic, v-taper look as well.

Here’s a breakdown of the workouts:

0:47 – Single-Arm Anterior Dumbbell Shoulder Press: Remeber to not use a heavy weight here – you want to be able to hit rep ranges from 10-12 for each exercise so pick a weight that you can comfortably complete that with.

While standing, grab the weight with your hand turned sideways, palms facing in, and rest the weight on top of the shoulder. Take a deep breath in to brace your core and keep your body straight, and press your arm straight up, keeping your hand in the same position. Gently bring the weight back down to the start, making sure to control the weight. Hit this move for 10-12 reps, then alternate to the other arm.

1:28 – Lying Incline Single-Arm Dumbbell Lateral Raises: This is a classic variation learned from Arnold. Again – a lighter weight can be much better for you here in order to effectively do the movement and engage the muscle for 10-12 reps.

To setup for this move, position an adjustable bench at a slight incline. Laying on your side, grab your weight and have your arm hang down straight towards the floor – that’s your start position. With a slight bend in your arm, focus on raising your arm up to your side, driving up your arm to get your elbow parallel to the ground. Hit 10-12 reps then change sides for the other arm.

2:20 – Rear Delt Single-Arm Dumbbell Raises: Use the same bench you performed the Lying Incline Single Arm Dumbbell Lateral Raises positioned at a slight incline – this will help with bracing your body.

Get into the start position with your body bent at a 45-degree angle, back straight and one arm out on the bench to brace yourself. Grab the weight with an overhand grip with your palm facing your thigh. With a slight bend in your arm at the elbow, raise your arm backward, driving back to have your elbow go as far back as you can. Control the movement up AND back down for 10-12 reps, then switch arms.

3:20 – Now that you know the moves, here is a quick workout using all 3:

Warm-up: 2-3 sets of Decline Push-Ups

Workout #1: Single-Arm Anterior Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Set #1: 10-12 Reps – Each Arm
Set #2: 10-12 Reps – Each Arm
Set #3: 10-12 Reps – Each Arm

Workout #2: Lying Incline Single-Arm Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Set #1: 10-12 Reps – Each Arm
Set #2: 10-12 Reps – Each Arm
Set #3: 10-12 Reps – Each Arm

Workout #3: Rear Delt Single-Arm Dumbbell Raises
Set #1: 10-12 Reps – Each Arm
Set #2: 10-12 Reps – Each Arm
Set #3: 10-12 Reps – Each Arm

Remember to complete the 10-12 rep range to engage in what is called Hypertrophy – which to put simply is the process of muscle growth.

Are you still looking to build up that aesthetic V-taper you’ve always wanted? What are other areas of your physique you still struggling with? Let us know in the comments below to make sure we can keep making videos to help you guys out.

Thanks for tuning in, and don’t forget – Like, Share, and Subscribe to Six Pack Shortcuts. See you next time!

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