
Fast 10-Minute Killer Barbell Routines

Fast 10-Minute Killer Barbell Routines



Train To Burn More Belly Fat For Six Pack Abs:
Platinum Coach Jonny Catazano –
Platinum Coach Clark Bartram –
What’s up, Six Pack Shortcuts? We’re here today to bring you a few different moves you may or may not be doing that will change the way you train to lose your stubborn belly fat and get in the best shape yet.

We’re talking about getting a bit more complex with your barbell workouts. Now, if you’re familiar with barbell training already, or you’re just starting out, these moves and routines can make a huge difference in your results.

2:44 – Full-Body Barbell Routines #1: Here we are integrating: Power Cleans, Front Squats, Push Presses, Back Squats, and Behind-The-Neck Presses… All back-to-back! 1 rep here only counts after performing all 5 movements, so for a killer workout try executing 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

These are some more advanced lifts and techniques, so before throwing them all together in this circuit, make sure you understand how to execute each properly.

You can see that just doing 5 reps can be pretty exhausting since you really are working for all the body’s big muscle groups when going through these motions.

We talk about a little something called Excess Post Oxygen Consumption with these workouts, which is a term we use to talk about helping to speed up your metabolism. If you’re looking to get rid fo belly fat and don’t want to do long bouts of cardio, this style of training can ultimately replace that.

Another term that we want you to understand is Hypertrophy, or enlarging your muscles, where you are not training using a ton of weight that is close to your 1-rep max, but staying within the 50-60% range of your max in order to perform good, clean reps with proper form for 10-15 reps in a set.

Long story short, we want to: decrease time in the gym, increase your metabolic output, save space, have fun, and get a great workout and pump going.

If you’re still getting your bearings when it comes to barbell lifts and working out, make sure you are using a light, manageable weight that you can easily shoulder press or perform behind-the-neck presses with to ensure you can get all the moves down.

7:05 – Full-Body Barbell Routine #2: Here Clark performs: Deadlifts, Bent-Over Rows, Upright Rows, Squat Presses, and Overhead Squats. For this routine, you will perform 5 reps of each movement so 1 round will consist of 25 reps total. Try going for 3-4 rounds.

Again – to get through this workout first focus on making sure you have proper form and are using a weight that is very manageable, and you can move easily – it’s not about moving the heaviest weight you can with these.

These workouts aren’t about lifting with your ego or trying to move the most weight, so don’t get ahead of yourself. If your body begins giving out on you where you cannot perform proper reps with good form, either decrease the weight or take longer rest time in between sets to catch your breath. You’re looking to do what’s called Metabolic Conditioning, where you train your body to perform at a greater level to help you to burn off more fat.

Are you interested in working with Jonny or Clark as your own personal coach? Then just shoot them over an email at:
Platinum Coach Jonny Catazano –
Platinum Coach Clark Bartram –

What are some of your favorite barbell movements? Have you ever tried mixing them together, back-to-back like this? Let us know in the comments below, along with all your other questions so we can know what you’re thinking and what next workouts we should put out for you guys.

And don’t forget – Like, Share, and Subscribe to Six Pack Shortcuts. We’ll see you next time!
Get To Training For Six Pack Abs Like Jonny & Clark:
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