The #1 Best Ab Machine
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Hey Y’all,
It’s Mike and today we are going to talk about why simple ab exercises are a lot better for you than complex ones. I also want to talk to you about the Steve Jobs Way. Exercise and Steve’s ideas about simplicity go hand and hand. You should definitely check that book out to see how the simple idea of the I Phone, turned into a billion dollar business for Apple.
Video breakdown:
2:17 If you don’t read a lot of books or listen to audio books, you need to start.
2:30 You need to strengthen your body and your mind. With a combination of both, you will get further in life.
**Note: I personally listen to to during all my workouts to get mentally prepare for my intense training and also prepare for my daily tasks…. it’s not only a game changer, it’s a life changer.
Now lets get to training:
3:32 So the Roman Chair is something I started using a few months ago. It is a simple piece of equipment that always keeps your abs contracted.
5:00 A couple of tips about the Roman Chair
1) If you are working out at a gym and see the machine… use it!
2) You don’t want to go to low, don’t go further than laying flat
3) There are different variations to this machine
4 sets/ 15-20 reps
Let’s do this workout!
The cool thing about training with me is that I have already done all the work for you, because I spent years with a fat body, until I found this one “trick” that got me ripped with six pack abs. Now I have the body I want, and you can too.
Could this one “trick” be the answer to your fitness problems as well?
Watch this video to find out for yourself.
Train Hard,
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