Workout : Yoga poses for Thyroidism – Part 2

Yoga poses for Thyroidism – Part 2



If you are suffering from either Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism, this video on yoga for thyroid is for you!
In this series on yoga for thyroid, we will be featuring different types of yoga position to help you get rid of thyroidism and live a healthy life. The yoga asana called the cat cow pose is extremely effective if you are suffering from hypo or hyper thyroidism.
Here’s how to do the rabbit-camel pose yoga position
Take the palms on to the lower back and roll the shoudlers. Allow the elbows to come together.
Inhale, start to lift the chest, let the hips come forward, stretching back and allow the neck to open. Slowly come up.
Sitting into vajarasana, onto the heels, take the palms, holding on to the soles of the feet, drop the head down into child’s pose. Coming on to the crown of the head and then lifting the hips up and rounding the back, bring the chin towards the chest and slowly release.
So what is thyroidism?
It’s safe to say that you probably know someone or have heard of someone who’s suffering from a thyroid disorder. And chances are, that person is probably female. After all, women are 4 times more prone to thyroid disorders than men.
Thyroid disorders are amongst the most baffling disorders faced by the medical community. These autoimmune diseases have no real known cause and while doctors see some link between them and diabetes, the sudden rise in incidence has got them worried.
Thyroid Disorders
The two most common disorders associated with the thyroid are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. An under active thyroid condition is termed ‘Hypothyroidism’ and an over active thyroid is called ‘Hyperthyroidism’.
Other than these, an enlargement of the thyroid is caused by iodine deficiency is called goitre. This could happen in cases of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or even cancerous thyroid nodules. Though thyroid nodules are common, about 5% of these are cancerous.
Thyroid disorders not only leave a person feeling exhausted and weak, but if untreated, they can also cause infertility and miscarriages amongst women.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism in infants manifests itself by lowered growth rate, constipation, inadequate feeding, excessive tiredness and jaundice (yellowing of eyes and skin).
In children and adults, fatigue and poor performance at work and school are also signs of hypothyroidism.
Early hypothyroid symptoms in adults include: Exhaustion, Constipation, Intolerance to lower temperatures, Wrist pains, Numbness of hands. At later stages, the symptoms become more pronounced: Fatigue or lack of energy, Weight gain despite poor appetite, Hair loss, Skin dryness, Puffiness around eyes, Hoarsening of voice, Worsened intellectual ability.
In women, irregular or missed menstrual cycles are a sign of hypothyroidism
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism : Hyperthyroidism is identified by a declining performance at work or school and or behavioral concerns.
Symptoms among adults include: Nervousness, Hand tremors, Insomnia, Frequent bowel movements, Excessive sweating, Weight loss in spite of large appetite, Joint pains, Bulging eyes.

You can also connect with our Yoga Instructor Asha Daniels:

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