How To Be Consistent? (Live Motivational Speech)
This is a clip from a recent speech on how to be consistent and how to never miss a workout no matter what.
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Consistency is the key to success. This is something we can all agree on.
You can have all the knowledge in the world, the best diet, the best workout routine and all the right tools but if you’re not consistently taking action it’s not very likely that you’re gonna reach your goal.
And on the other hand if you have limited knowledge but you take massive action consistently you’ll probably get decent results.
There’s many enemies of consistency out there.
To name a few: your environment, bad habits, lack of motivation, being overwhelmed, fear of failure, fear of success etc..
But there’s 2 main reasons I believe people lack consistency.
1 – The “All or Nothing” Mindset
2 – Perfectionism
The “All or Nothing” Mindset
We’ve all had that day when time just flies and instead of going to the gym at the right time now we only have 20 minutes to do a workout.
Or maybe you just arrived in a new city and it’s all chaos around you.
In this scenario most people would say “Well… 20 minutes is not enough to do my full routine so why don’t I just spend that time on something more useful and I’ll do my workout tomorrow.”
Now, on one hand this could be true. Maybe that 20 minutes could be spent on doing something more useful, and probably doing just a few sets in the gym won’t do much for getting you stronger, bigger and leaner.
However, there is one thing that even 1 push-up will do compared to 0 push-ups.
It will maintain the habit of consistently training.
And it will re-enforce that identity “I’m the type of person who doesn’t miss workouts.”
Looking at the long term this identity, and the habit of consistency is worth more than the gains you could ever get from 1 single workout.
And it’s much more valuable than spending 20 minutes on some other task you could’ve easily done some other time.
If you’ve generated momentum with training and diet don’t break the chain, maintain the streak.
Every time you repeat the habit you’re adding more momentum and it’s becoming easier and easier to sustain the behavior.
We could simplify achieving any goal in life as a series of repetition it takes to reach that goal.
It’s all about the reps, and no one can do your reps for you. It’s same as in the gym to get to a 300 lbs Squat you probably need about 10 000 repetitions over the course of 2 years. Once you know that, it really only comes down to getting in those reps consistently.
And before you master the consistency part the result itself or the goal don’t even matter. Because you’re never gonna get it unless you can show up day after day.
The bottom line is that you’ll never be perfect. You can’t be.
As a human being you’ll have a few great moments but it’s never 100% perfect.
Perfection is a great aim, it’s an excellent guiding star but it’s only job is to guide you.
Imagine you’re on a boat on the open sea, the star (perfect goal) can help you reach the next island and move forward but you’re gonna reach the star itself.
That’s the mindset that helped me the most.
Once I’ve realized this I’ve stopped trying to be perfect and put all my energy into reps and consistency.
And the reps made me better in the gym and outside of the gym.
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Talk soon, Mario
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