
How To Get A Bigger Upper Chest In 15 Minutes

How To Get A Bigger Upper Chest In 15 Minutes



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Hey guys,

Henry and Clark here today to help you work on improving your upper chest because a lot of guys are lacking in that area. So today, we want to show you how to power through 3 sets of the best upper chest exercises and how we use them to our benefit.

Today’s workout:
Incline Barbell Press:
Lying on the bench (incline seat), position yourself with a naturally arched lower back. Try to pinch the shoulder blades together and push your chest up as you grab onto the bar, preferably with a wider grip. Once you have the bar in position, bring it down to your chest with elbows at a 45 degree angle away from the body (or more), and as you press it upward, think about squeezing your pecs to bring the weight back up.

Incline Dumbbell Press: Sitting on the bench, position your dumbbells on your knees. Lie on the bench, and pop your knees up to your starting position by your chest. Position yourself with a naturally arched lower back. Some people like to go ahead and get the weights up, starting from arms extended, but you can also start with the pushing motion. Preferably with a wider grip. Once you have the dumbbells in position, bring them down to your chest with elbows at a 45 degree angle away from the body (or more), and as you press it upward, think about squeezing your pecs to bring the weight back up. Try not to clink the weights together at the top, and when you drop the dumbbells, don’t let your arms flop down to the side to throw them on the ground. You could risk a pec or shoulder tear this way.

Incline Chest Flyes w/Cables: Place your bench in between the cables, and grab each cable so that you can sit on the bench, holding them. Lean back, with a slight arch in your lower back, and with elbows staying slightly bent through the whole motion, squeeze your pecs as you bring the cables straight above your head.

1:02 – Incline Bench Press (3 sets)
3:36 – Incline Dumbbell Press (3 sets)
7:34 – Incline Cable Flyes (3 sets)
10:56 – Additional Sets: Incline Bench Press
11:20 – Additional Sets: Incline Dumbbell Press
11:51 – Additional Sets: Incline Cable Flyes

Thanks for watching today guys. The upper chest can be a tough area to grow for some people, and sometimes you just have to do things a little bit differently than everyone else to get it right. Fitness isn’t always a One-Size-Fits-All, and that’s why we made our new program completely customizable for you. Check it out here:

In the mean time, keep it locked in here on our Youtube channel, and Let us know in the comments what you want to see next!

Henry & Clark

PS Share this one with your spotter and gym partner:

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