Workout : Yoga Pose for Sexual Health and Drive

Yoga Pose for Sexual Health and Drive



If you would like to be a certified yoga teacher and help spread the wisdom to others, I invite you to explore my affordable ($47) Mastery of Yoga Online Teacher’s Training Course here –

For a detailed free article on how to practice Yoga Chair pose to develop your sexual health, improve your sex drive and increase your sexual fitness you can visit

Yoga Chair Pose is excellent for developing your lower body strength. It helps strengthen your quads and buttocks. The lower body fitness is a key aspect of sexual health, especially for men, thus developing and maintaining this region directly affects the quality of your sexual drive and fitness.

Be careful of your knees when practicing this pose and use the modification I have indicated.

Holding this pose longer will greatly improve your strength and power. Use the breath of fire to push yourself past the point of discomfort, but don’t overdo it.

This pose is also a part of a comprehensive yoga routine for Men’s Sexual Health. That routine and other yoga exercises and poses are freely available on AnmolMehta (dot) Com, so feel free to stop by and check them out.

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