Day 25 ? | Week 6 – My Body Transformation Journey | Motivation Through Persistence! ?
Day 25 ? | Week 6 – My Body Transformation Journey | Motivation Through Persistence! ?
? – 22 May 2017
So it’s the start of week 6… well, technically week 4 of this motivational body transformation journey. So roughly eight more weeks of motivation left!
It’s a bit stressful, to be honest. What if my motivation doesn’t work? What if I fail? What if I look like a tool eight weeks from now?
You know how it goes. But alas, stressing over anything doesn’t help for shit.
Not a lot to say apart from people getting discouraged. Not feeling or getting enough motivation will do that to you.
I woke up this morning (not with a song in my head) and felt discouraged.
I looked in the mirror and felt like not matter what motivational stuff I have been going through, that nothing is changing anymore.
But then I remember Day 22 (LINK HERE) and how I have already shown great progress. Sometimes we need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
Getting discouraged is a big downfall for many people who don’t seem to be motivated. Giving up because you feel you’re not improving or looking a certain way or your business isn’t going the way you had hoped, etc.
Progress might seem slow or not there at all. This is part of life and happens in all aspects of our lives where no amount of motivation seem to make a difference.
Don’t give up so soon. The whole challenge is part of the fun, motivation and journey. It should motivate you to want to push through and smash any challenge you might face.
Look at how big other dudes are used to demotivate me and made me just want to give up.
We seem to forget that they too, started somewhere before.
Nobody pops into this world looking perfect.
So I started the Phase 2 of my program today, and it just motivates me even more. There are some nice changes, and I am hopeful and optimistic that I will continue to see great results.
It was Chest & Calves today:
Workout Routine (Chest & Calves)
4 Sets All To Failure
Smith Machine Bench Press
Pec Deck
Incline Barbell Bench Press
Standing Cable Fly
Incline Bench Dumbbell FlyStanding Calf Raises
Seated Calf Raises
Calf Press on Leg Press Machine
16minute Stairmaster
Simple stuff, but enough motivation to get me going. Especially on my weaker areas which are chest and calves.
In saying that, I hate bench press. I simply do not have any motivation to do bench presses. It hurts my shoulders, and I just cannot seem to push heavy weights.
My strength lies elsewhere, and I am OK with that.
Added a new supplement to my nutrition. It’s a testosterone booster (dope free of course) and is meant to help my ageing old ass produce a bit more testosterone.
Again, more motivation to keep me going there and I will report back as to how it’s been working for me.
My weight is 85kg even. Which is great.
I won’t be training tomorrow as I have a BMW Advanced Driving course I need to attend. Looking forward to that
Motivates me to wanna drive my car faster! LOL.
Done and dusted for today!
I would like to leave you with this little motivational bit…
Don’t give up so easily in life! Find motivation in what you’re doing, persist and persevere.
It goes a long way!
If you haven’t seen my previous videos, hop on over to my channel and check them out.
Thanks, and enjoy!
My Gear
Manfrotto Tripod:
motivation,motivational video,inspiring,success,hard work,motivating,training,perseverance,be persistent,persistence,perseverance,tenacity,determination,resolve,resolution,motivational speech,just start,motivation for success,don’t stop,motivational,inspiration
Day 25 ? | Week 6 – My Body Transformation Journey | Motivation Through Persistence! ?