Workout song : Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions Speak Louder Than Words



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The best thing you can do for anything you want to be good at is to take action. Even if you suck, just start, because when you start, at least you get the ball rolling.

You must take action because then at least you’ve done something and then some shit actually happens.

The time is now, whatever project you have. There is no excuse for not taking action right now. Honestly, even though I want you to read my article, taking action is more important so stop reading, stop proactively procrastinating and get started.

The reason I know this to be the right move is because I have taken action myself.

I have not made a big name for myself in my niche yet, as a trainer. However, what I have done is made the first step and have taken action towards my future goals.

If you have a project or better yet an inner desire to do something, to create something, but you are waiting for the perfect idea, it’s never going to happen. Let me say that again, never.

“Find a sense of urgency in actually doing something, even if it is shit.”

Realize that in whatever niche or endeavour you are actively trying to pursue the only way to succeed is to just start and gain momentum.

For me, it’s being the best strength coach possible and more recently it is blogging and making YouTube videos.

I’m still new to it, but if you look at my first video, you can see the difference.

Your circumstances are probably going to get shittier from now, I don’t mean to be pessimistic. You see, if you’re tired now, what makes you think you’re going to be less tired or more energised in a year. You’ll be older, have more excuses, more resistance, more ego invested in whatever purpose and life mission you were trying to cultivate.

If people want to start, they want to start it the right way. People like to read a manual before they get started on something.

What I’d like you to think about is how in depth you read the manual. To put together a basic computer, do you read the manual, understand what it’s asking you to do, then do it? Or do you completely memories the manual, to the dot, study it over and over and wait for the right time to execute?

You don’t do the latter if you want results ASAP.

So why should this apply differently to creating your dream body? Or achieving any project you have your eyes set on.

Try something, learn from experiences and keep tweaking it.

I have a video below where I speak about this topic. In all honesty in the coming hours to filming, I thought I would just prolong it to think of better ideas. At the end of the day, I’d have no video by following such a mindset.

The time is now, by taking the first step you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

“The more information that’s out there, the greater the returns to just being willing to sit down and apply yourself. Information isn’t what’s scarce; it’s the willingness to do something with it.”

My suggestion for you is to do the best with where you are, what you’ve got. Be realistic. Stop proactively procrastinating.

Perfection + Not Starting = Imperfection

Starting + Imperfection = Perfection

Leave a comment below if the struggle to take action resonates with you.

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.”
-Leonardo Da Vinci

Thanks for watching,



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