Workout Plans : Personal Training at Fortis Fitness and YOGALUX

Personal Training at Fortis Fitness and YOGALUX



Erin: “I think people love Fortis Fitness and YOGALUX Personal Training because of the individual attention that they receive from our trainers. Each trainer is able to plan out a safe and effective plan for each client, and we are able to match each client with the trainer that suits them the best.”

Rob: “The benefits of Personal Training at Fortis Fitness and YOGALUX is the attention to detail that we take. We find out where you are at and get you to where you need to be.”

Lauren”: “The thing I look forward to the most when I come to Fortis Fitness and YOGALUX is the feeling I know I am going to have afterwards. Even if it’s a crazy intense workout, the trainers are always pushing just to your limits sand encouraging you along the way.”

Gina: “The most amazing trainers ever! I’m 48 and everyday I’m stronger and I feel better and healthier!”

Michelle: “Our goal is for all of the work you put in here, to apply it to your everyday life. So whether that is to live pain free, to surf better, run faster, jump higher, have more energy, feel more confident, or even sleep better!

Workout : Lower Body Sculpt – Butt, Legs & Thighs Yoga Workout {45 min}

Workout : Cardio para quemar grasa sin perder músculo