Workout Plans : | DAY 6 | Shoulder & Legs Workout for BEGINNERS! (Hindi / Punjabi)

| DAY 6 | Shoulder & Legs Workout for BEGINNERS! (Hindi / Punjabi)



As we step into day 6, our workouts are starting to get a little tougher for starters.

Try your best guys!

Following is what we performed in this routine:
Seated Shoulder Press (Dumbbells)
4 Sets of 10 Reps with 30-45 sec break

Alternate Front Raise
3 Sets of 12 Reps with 30-45 sec break

Side Raises
3 Sets of 12 Reps with 30-45 sec break

Upright Rows
3 Sets of 12 Reps with 30-45 sec break

Dumbbell Shrugs
4 Sets of 10 Reps with 30-45 sec break

Bodyweight Squats
4 Sets of 25 Reps with 30-45 sec break

Stationary Lunges
4 Sets of 15 Reps each leg with 30-45 sec break

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