Workout Plans : ABS and CORE Workout – Effective Exercises & Routine

ABS and CORE Workout – Effective Exercises & Routine



Abs Workout with great exercises & variations for Abs (& Core) without any gym equipment. Routine examples and alternatives/progression Exercises.

Hanging leg raises (full) / Strict toes to bar.
(Alternative: Hanging knee raises)
Flutter kicks & Dragon Flag flutter kicks variation
Jack knvies & variations
Hanging diagonal/oblique raises & variation
Hanging oblique/side raises
Plank elbow to knee cross
A complete ab workout with core included.

Be sure to also check out “Strength & Freedom – Bodyweight Training Motivation” – where I am training in Miami (some of the dragon flags from there):

And my Vacation Workout Motivation from earlier this summer:

The royalty free music used in this video is “Alice” by Lyod is licenced under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Music by Lyod (
Track: Alice
Track download, terms & license:

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