Workout Plans : 8-Week Weight Loss workout – Day 1 Plan Chest, shoulder, Lower Abs – Training Program

8-Week Weight Loss workout – Day 1 Plan Chest, shoulder, Lower Abs – Training Program



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8-Week Weight Loss workout – Day 1 Plan Chest, shoulder, Lower Abs – Training Program
What’s your current weight? Track and record that number and see how it changes in 8 weeks’ time. As you drive to the gym today, listen to hard-hitting music that gets you ready to attack the weights with maximum effort.
Body granite expert trainer Laksmikanth g s will make your Best Weight loss Magic Workout at Home. Please subscribe our channel to get tips every day…
Anyone can start this program, but success depends on your actions and how committed you are to your goals. On the first day, you’re bound to be motivated, but I need you to carry that on through this whole transformation. Tag me on your socials with #HardcoreTrainer2 and let me know where you are at so I can hold you accountable. Today, we’re crushing chest shoulders, lower abs, and calves. Let’s have at it!

| Workout |
1: Body weight Dips 3 x 15 reps
2 : Flat dumbbell Press 5 x 15 reps
3 ; Incline dumbbell flyes 5 x 5 12 reps
4 : Shoulder press Barbull 5 x 3 12 reps
5 : Back behind press 5 x 4 12 reps
6 : Bendower 5 x 4 12 reps

We are Your transformation is our passion. We are your personal trainer, your nutritionist, your supplement expert, your lifting partner, your support group. We provide the technology, tools and products you need to burn fat, build muscle and become your best self.

BODY GRANITE the name itself is enough for the fitness lovers. Located in the heart of A.S.RAO , on the main road of high tension road, Hyderabad. Here to speak about the trainers is very important. They are highly qualified in weight training , yoga , power yoga, aerobics , Bollywood dance , Cardio workouts,six pack , abs ,apart from this training , physiotherapy is given to the clients. Sometimes clients are taken to the ground to feel the fresh air and special activity is carried on. Every day is a new day at the gym. coze the ambiance is very friendly. Trainers here are very cordial with the clients.
Every client here is given personal attention, care and also diet to follow to loss weight and desired body to achieve it.

Diets Plans & Healthy Food : पेट की चर्बी को खत्म करने का सबसे आसान उपाय | No Diet| No Exercise | Lose weight | 12 Kg in 14 Days|

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