Healthy Recipes : How to Batch Cook and Freeze Bacon. Omg, Completely agree! My cousin taught me t…

Healthy Recipes



How to Batch Cook and Freeze Bacon. Omg, Completely agree! My cousin taught me this trick and I couldn't believe how easy it was to make a giant batch of bacon. It's easier to do this than just to make a few slices for breakfast! We keep a gallon bag in the freezer now and add it to EVERYTHING. Soups, salads, breakfast… easy oven bacon means happy husband. 🙂

Motivation : #HeidiPowell 4 Minute Workout #QuickWorkout #BusyMomWorkout #Swingups…

Healthy Recipes : Spicy Roasted Chickpeas with a slight tang from Colman’s Dry Mustard and a kic…