What Diet is Best For You? 4 Fast and Easy Ketogenic Breakfast Recipes
Hey Everyone
Im so sorry for the delay on this one. Ive been travelling in Japan and havent had the time to edit. I was able to finish it last night! so i hope you enjoy it.
I quickly touch on the subject of Keto and give you 4 breakfast examples for it.
Cooking starts at around 8.30
No Carb Pancakes: 1 egg, 2 tbsp chia, 1 tbsp ground flax seed, 1/3 cup coconut flour, 1/3 cup almond milk. Blend together. Adjust texture by leaving it in the fridge a little and waiting for the chia to solidify slowly or add more coconut flour. Cook like a regular pancake.
Briskly heat up 2 tbsp of chia, 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds with 1/3 cup of almond milk. From here, you can add almond flour and coconut flour should you wish. Thicken it up. Top with almond butter, bananas and 2 drops of stevia.
Salmon Plate: Poach 2 eggs (1.5 liter of water – 1/3 cup white vinegar) bring water to a boil with vinegar, switch off fire, swirl water, drop pre cracked eggs, cover, leave 5 mins. slice up some radish, dice up avocados, season with sesame oil, salt, pepper, smoked paprika and a slice of lemon. serve with smoked salmon
Cauliflower rice:
Clean one whole cauliflower head. Run in a food processor. Fry off 100 grams of bacon until brown with a little olive oil, add in 10 halved cherry tomatoes, 1/2 red onion diced, 2 minced cloves of garlic. cook for 5mins. Add in the cauliflower. Cook for 5 mins. Fry off two eggs. Serve. Season with salt and pepper.
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Erwan Heussaff
What are you?
Im French Filipino, i work in the restaurant, bar and production industries. I create food and travel content.
I live in the Philippines.
What Camera do you use?
Usually a sony a7sii, dji osmo, gopro hero 4, 3dr solo drone.
I have 85mm, 20mm, 35mm, 50mm and 20-70mm lenses.
What editing software do you use?
When i edit, its usually with Premiere Pro
How old are you?
Going on 30……………
What did you study?
International Business in France
How did you get into youtube?
I’ve always loved making food videos and that’s how it started. Youtube starts off as a passion. Dont get into it if you are looking to make it your job. It doesn’t work that way
Why arent you on TV?
Because the internet is easier and its free for you guys hahaha! Also we are currently working on producing TV shows ourselves as well.
Who writes/produces the shows?
I do
Who shoots the actual shows we have on?
Seabiscuit films.
Who shots the vlog/travel diary style videos?
I do.
Peanut Butter or Nutella?
Peanut buttttttttttttter
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