How to Treat Gatritis | Foods & Healthy Recipes
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Be it any condition, a healthy diet is a road to fast recovery. Watch this video for some quick and easy recipes to help you recover from Gastritis!
Gastritis refers to the inflammation of the stomach lining. It usually happens due to a bacterial infection, but can also be a result of regular use of certain pain relievers or drinking too much alcohol.
Food groups to consume in gastritis:
1. Alkaline foods: Neutralizes acid in stomach
Foods to consume: Apple, pears, banana and papaya
2. Easily digestible foods
Foods to consume: Carrots, beet root, spinach and potatoes
3. Omega 3: Reduces inflammation of stomach
Foods to consume: Fish
Recipes based on the above food groups:
Recipe 1: Steamed tuna
1. Take 150 g of tuna in a plate
2. Sprinkle ½ tbsp light soy sauce and 1 tbsp of water over it.
3. Refrigerate for 30 min
4. Now add ½ tbsp thinly sliced ginger to the fish
5. Also add chopped ½ tomato
6. Slice and add 2 mushrooms
7. Add 1 stalk of spring onion chopped
8. Add salt to taste and mix this well with the fish
9. Boil water in a deep pan
10. Keep a stand in it and place the fish plate over it carefully
11. Now cover and cook for 10 min
12. Remove carefully and serve hot
This steamed fish is rich in omega 3 which will give some relief to your inflamed stomach
Recipe 2: Banana cucumber salad
1. Chop 1 small banana
2. Chop and add ½ peeled cucumber
3. Now, add ½ tsp lemon juice to this mixture
4. Also add ½ tsp honey
5. Now, add some salt and pepper to taste
6. Mix this well & keep it in fridge for a while
7. Having this cold will help soothe the stomach inflammation
• Avoid coffee, chocolate, milk, wheat, alcohol, spicy foods,
tomatoes & citrus fruits
The above recipes have been developed in consultation with a nutritionist. However, these are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a trained health professional. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Consult your physician before adopting the suggestions in this video, as well as about any condition that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Refer to the terms of use on our website