How To Meal Prep + Healthy Recipes Ideas
O P E N M E ! ♡
Woohoo, I’m happy that I can finally share my long awaited and highly requested Meal Prep video with you guys! If you want to see all the recipes with the ingredients & amounts, go to my blog. Also, don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel!
Blogpost with written list of the recipes |
♡ A B O U T M E :
My name is Lilia and I’m the face and mind behind the Youtube channel LilyLikecom. I’m a 21 year old law student at the University of Groningen and a huge fashion & beauty lover. On this channel you can find a lot of law school related stuff, but also my personal fashion style, beauty tutorials and more lifestyle related videos. Hope you enjoy it and if you do, don’t forget to subscribe! You can subscribe here:
‘Work hard to achieve your goals. Then you will blossom. Like a lily.’ That’s the motto behind the Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle & Law Blog Lily Like.
♡ S O C I A L M E D I A :
SNAPCHAT: lilnappyhairz
♡ P L A Y L I S T S :
B E A U T Y ♡
F A S H I O N ♡
H A U L ♡
L A W S C H O O L ♡
L I F E S T Y L E ♡
L O O K B O O K ♡
T R A V E L ♡
V L O G ♡
xo Lilia