Diets Plans & Healthy Food : Best Foods to Avoid Vomiting | Healthy Recipes

Best Foods to Avoid Vomiting | Healthy Recipes



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Be it any condition, a healthy diet is a road to fast recovery. Watch this video for some quick and easy recipes to help you recover from Vomiting!



Thought vomiting by itself is not a disease, it is a result of various illnesses and conditions such as infections, motion sickness, food poisoning, migraine headaches and pregnancy.


Food groups to consume in vomiting:

1. Liquids: They help to replenish fluids & nutrients, are easy to
digest and release energy quickly

Foods to consume: Apple juice, thin buttermilk, coconut water, electoral and ginger ale

2. Soft foods: Easily digestible & helps to soothe stomach

Foods to consume: Bananas, oranges, yogurt, light soups and broths

3. Ginger: Cures nausea or vomiting


Recipes based on the above food groups:

Recipe 1: Curd rice

1. Take 1 cup of cooked rice. Cook it as you usually do. No
change. Keep these read
2. You will need 100 g low fat yogurt
3. Heat ½ tsp oil in a pan
4. Add ½ tsp mustard seeds and let it pop
5. Add ½ tsp cumin seeds & also a pinch of asafoetida
6. Add 2-4 curry leaves to it
7. Saute it slightly
8. Then, add the rice & yogurt in the pan
9. Add some salt for taste
10. Cook this mixture for about 2 minutes.
11. Serve hot

Recipe 2: Apple banana porridge

1. Peel and cut 1 apple into 1 inch cubes and out it in blender
2. Cut and add 1 ripe banana
3. Put 3 tbsp water in the blender and blend into a smooth puree
4. Pour this mixture into a pan
5. Add 100 gm low fat yogurt
6. Add 1 tsp honey and mix well
7. Pinch of cinnamon
8. Serve cold



• Eat small meals
• Avoid consuming any citrus juices, high fat or fried foods
• Avoid using any strong spices in your food






The above recipes have been developed in consultation with a nutritionist. However, these are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a trained health professional. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Consult your physician before adopting the suggestions in this video, as well as about any condition that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Refer to the terms of use on our website

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