पेट की चर्बी को खत्म करने का सबसे आसान उपाय | No Diet| No Exercise | Lose weight | 12 Kg in 14 Days|
इस विडियो में आपको बताया जायेगा की आप बिना जिम जाये अपना वजन 14 दिन में 12 kg तक कैसे घटायेगें मोटापा एक श्राप से कम नही हे दोस्तों जिसको ये रोग होता हे ओ जीते जी अपनी जिंदगी अधूरी समझता हे इसलिए आज हम आपको ऐसा देसी इलाज बताएँगे जिससे आपका वजन तुरंत गायब हो जायेगा
जीरा एक ओ ओषधि हे जिसमे प्राकृत ने बहुमूल्य तत्व भर दिए हे जैसे मैगनिसिअम, मैग्निश,कैल्सिअम, फास्फोरस,जो आपकी मोटापे की चर्बी को जड़ से ख़तम करदेगी | जी हा दोस्तों आज आप जीरा के माध्यम से अपना वजन 12 Kg तक घटाएंगे ओ भी 14 दिनो में
१. पानी
४.कला नमक
५. दही
6 नीबू
Research shows that cumin (jeera) can help jumpstart weight loss, decrease body fat and improve unhealthy cholestrol levels naturally.
You will need :
1 glass of water.
1 Tb Cumin seeds (jeera).
1 tb Honey.
1 lemon.
1 Ginger
½ Tb हींग(Asafoetida)
½ Lemons
Boil a glass of water on a low flame. Add 1 tb of cumin seeds to it. Let it boil for 5-10 minutes on a low flame.
You can add 1 tb honey and half lemon if you want to.
But remember,
Do not strain the water. You need to eat jeera seeds too.
Drink it daily in the morning empty stomach.
Eat anything after 1 hour of drinking jeera water.
Lemon water is an excellent drink for weight loss. Lemon juice helps your body get the nutrients it needs to burn fat into energy and stop weight gain. Make sure to keep drinking lemon juice even after you lose weight, to keep your new weight.
If you really want to lose weight in a healthy way, there’s no way to escape from regular exercise and activity. Doing a mix of mild and hard physical activity will help you lose weight, and control your weight.
Also, exercise helps lessen stress and raise your energy, mood, and sleep quality. It lowers the risk of chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and some cancers. It’s best to set a certain time slot in your day for your exercise routine, so that you do not skip it because of the excuse that you don’t have enough time.
A healthy and low calorie diet is a very important part of a good weight loss plan. Make sure to include fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet, instead of filling up on junk foods.
Stay away from fried and fatty foods. Also, don’t take in too much sugar and salt.
Look for healthier forms of your favorite foods. For example, eat homemade air- popped popcorn instead of high- calorie, oil- popped popcorn.
Don’t eat things made with white flour like white bread, cookies, muffins, pizzas, hotdogs, burgers, pasta, and other foods like that. Choose whole grain and healthier forms of these foods. Their labels should say “100 percent whole grain”, not just “made with whole grains” or “multi- grain”.
Choose fresh fruit juice, instead of packaged fruit juices, which are full of sugar and preservatives.
If you have any queries, comment down below or you can comments us..
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