Diet Plans & Healty Food : How to Make Red Meat Part of a Healthy Diet

How to Make Red Meat Part of a Healthy Diet



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Red meat is a good source of protein, zinc, and iron. Here are ways to take advantage of red meat’s nutritional benefits while minimizing potentially adverse health effects.

Step 1: Choose lean cuts
Buy lean cuts of beef with minimal outside fat and minimal marbling. Cuts from the loin are best. Ask your butcher for suggestions.

Remember the “10-4-4” rule: no more than 10 grams total fat and 4 grams saturated fat in a 4-ounce serving.

Step 2: Trim the fat
Trim excess fat from beef before cooking. Trimming fat can reduce your saturated fat intake by as much as half.

Step 3: Avoid processed meats
Don’t buy processed meats or factory-ground hamburger, which often contains extra saturated fat. Ask your butcher to custom-grind your hamburger from lean cuts of beef.

Step 4: Grill carefully
Take it easy on the grill. Charring beef at high temperatures produces carcinogens in the meat.

Step 5: Eat smaller portions
Limit red meat to 3- or 4-ounce portions, and don’t eat more than 12 ounces total per week.

Use a kitchen scale so you know exactly how much red meat you’re consuming.

Step 6: Be creative
Be creative with your meals. Make red meat an accent or a side dish instead an entree. Add small amounts to dishes like stir-fry, salad, and soup.

Step 7: Try buffalo
Try a buffalo steak or burger. Buffalo is a healthy alternative to beef because it has less fat, calories, and cholesterol than beef and has more protein and iron.

Did You Know?
The average American eats nearly 200 pounds of meat, fish, and poultry each year, 50 pounds more than in the 1950s.

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