Diet Plans & Healty Food : Fitness Friday – Immediate Benefits of Exercise and a Healthy Diet – 1/10/14

Fitness Friday – Immediate Benefits of Exercise and a Healthy Diet – 1/10/14



Fitness Friday – Immediate Improvements when you Eat Right & Exercise

We all know we feel better when we eat right and exercise, but anyone who makes a habit of going to the gym or being physically active knows the rewards of exercise extend far beyond slimming down or adding muscle tone. Maybe your skin looks brighter, your step has more spring in it, or you’re more confident at work. Those small benefits can be every bit as valid as gains measured by scales and calipers. Wink News Fitness Expert Mike Drumm is here today to talk about the IMMEDIATE improvements you will see when you start to eat right and exercise regular.

Mike: The benefits of exercise go far beyond the goals of losing weight or gaining muscle. You will sleep better, get sick less, and overall be a happy person. Today I wanted to talk about the not-so-obvious, but immediate benefits of exercise in hopes that it will inspire you to eat a little healthier and get more active today!

Boosts Immunity
There is no supplement or medication that has proven to be as strong as regular exercise in improving the immune system’s ability to detect and destroy invaders. Eating healthy foods and exercising not only helps your immune system fight off simple bacterial and viral infections, it decreases your chances of developing heart disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. Commit to regular exercise and a healthy diet and you will be sick less often.

Improves Circulation
Eating the right foods will help blood flow throughout your entire body. Clogging your system with unhealthy, greasy, fatty foods makes it hard for oxygen rich blood to flow. Healthy food and exercise will help your organs function better, your heart will get stronger, and your brain will even function at a higher level.

Self Confidence
When you make healthier choices you feel good about yourself. When you accomplish a long run or lift a heavy weight you never have before, these are all awesome confidence boosters. Even choosing a glass of water over your favorite soda will make you feel in charge and confident. How your clothes fit, and what you see in the mirror, are also confidence boosters.

It’s true what they say, “you are one workout away from a good mood.” Cortisol is the stress hormone, and when you exercise you reduce these levels of cortisol and increase the levels of serotonin (the feel good hormones) Exercising when your feel stressed will almost always leave you feeling better than when you started. It is a good constructive release. Exercising and healthy eating are sure ways to make you feel better about yourself and change your moods.

Often I hear people say they do not have the energy to work out. When in fact, if you are eating healthy foods and working out you will have MORE sustained energy throughout your day. When you eat healthy foods that keep our blood sugar levels stable, you will avoid those 3pm crashes of feeling sluggish. Eating healthy foods throughout the day will help us keep energized.
A healthy diet that eliminates most sugars and processed foods will clear your skin and make you look younger. When you feed your body proper nutrients it helps to generate skin cells which will improve the overall appearance of your skin. AND working up a good sweat is the equivalent of getting a mini-facial. When the pores dilate, sweat expels trapped dirt and oil. Just be sure to wash your face afterward so the gunk doesn’t get sucked back into the pores.

When you live a healthier lifestyle that includes exercise your sleep pattern will improve. You will find yourself falling asleep easier and staying asleep. Exercise is good for our body because it will cause it to tire out as night comes which helps us to settle down, unwind, and fall asleep.

With all the benefits of exercising and eating healthy it makes the choice easy for me!

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