Dance Videos : Vixen Workout NYC- SCAMS NYC CUSTOMERS




More evidence of what a liar Janet Jones of Vixen Workout is. She signed a fraudulent document in court stating she DOES NOT have a business in NYC, and that she OCCASIONALLY rents a studio at PMT House of Dance, Chelsea, and Pearl Studios. But as you can see on their website and NYC Vixen Social Media page, she rents out of these studios EVERY DAY. Hosting 5-6 Fitness Classes in NYC a week for the past THREE YEARS.

Janet Jones of Vixen Workout is scamming NYC customers into believing Vixen Workout has an office of operation in NYC. The same locations she makes a profit from the fitness classes taught in Manhattan every week, and sells merchandise out of.

Vixen Workout is operating an ILLEGAL BUSINESS IN NEW YORK CITY, and has not paid NYC TAXES on any of the profits made in the last THREE YEARS, adding potential TAX FRAUD TO THE LIST.

But according to Janet Jones testimony in court, she does not have a nyc business, and does not rent these studios daily.. she also states she does not pays NYC taxes…nor has a business license in the state of NEW YORK CITY on in Miami Florida.


Janet if your going to lie in court, how about you stop teaching weekly classes in NYC to help you make your lie more believable. Or delete your NYC Vixen Workout Instagram account. Now your NYC employees & NYC studio owners may be called into court to testify on their relationship with Janet Jones and Vixen Workout….

Since the NYC Vixen Workout Instructors are not employees as Janet Jones states in her affidavit, they may be potentially at risk for a law suit for personal injury if a customer gets injured at any of the classes Josie, Meliza, Julie, and new instructor Christina teaches at Pearl Studios, Ripley Grier Studios and/or PMT Dance Studios.

More reason not to be associated with Vixen Workout. Janet Jones will drag you into her legal drama with her lies, and share with unauthorized parties about the details of her legal issues, making them either a potential witness.

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