3 Tips to Eating Less and GETTING A 6 PACK

3 Tips to Eating Less and GETTING A 6 PACK



I used to be FAT… until I found THIS:

Hey y’all,

Mike Chang here and I’m going to show you how to get six pack abs. I’ll show you how to trick our stomach into feeling full. This way you will eat less and end up getting ripped.

Your stomach is like a balloon. It has the ability to inflate and deflate. When your stomach inflates, it sends a signal to your brain telling you it’s full. On the other hand, when your stomach is deflated, it sends a signal to your brain saying that you’re hungry.

Before every meal, eat low or zero calorie foods. This way you’ll feel full quicker and you’ll end up eating less.

Tip # 1 – Drink two glasses of water before a meal. The water will make you full a lot faster even though you are eating less food.

Tip # 2 – Eat foods that have a high water content. Example are whole fruits, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, grapes, etc so it helps fill you up faster.

Tip # 3 – Include foods that are high in fiber. Fibrous foods will stay in your stomach longer because they take a very long time to digest. Fiber also will expand by soaking up the liquids in your stomach. As it expands in your stomach, it will give you the feeling you are full.

Tip # 4 – Add more protein and reduce the amount of carbohydrates in each meal. Protein takes a much longer time to digest than carbs. A high protein diet will help you stay full longer which means you will eat less.

Hope these tips helped you out. I read every comment posted and respond to as many as I can. Leave me comments below to let me know what were your thoughts on the video.

And if you want to lose your stubborn belly fat FAST, watch this video now:

Have you been working out for a while but just can’t seem to burn off that last bit of stomach fat? It might be because your workouts are not burning enough fat calories.

In that video I show you a workout trick I use called the Afterburn Effect that lets me burn more fat with every workout I do. The way Afterburn Training works is by allowing you to burn calories for up to 48 hours AFTER your workout is over. This means that you’ll burn your belly fat FASTER — without having to spend any more time in the gym.

Is Afterburn Training really the 1 proven shortcut to a ripped body and six pack abs? Watch the video and find out for yourself!

Train hard,


PS — Use this link to share this video on Facebook with your friends.


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