3 Minutes Summer Abs Workout – With GQ Magazine

3 Minutes Summer Abs Workout – With GQ Magazine



Get V- Cut six pack abs FAST

Hey y’all,

I’m with my man Erik Valdez, the host of GQ magazine and the YouTube channel – Fighting +/- Weight. Today I’m going to show you my 3 minute workout that will help you build the great confidence you need and also get you the ripped body and abs that women want.

So let’s do this!

Workout breakdown:

**Complete 4 – 5 rounds of 30 seconds for each exercise with no rest or do 20 reps of each exercise for 4 to 5 sets.

Exercise demonstrations:

0:37 Push ups will improve your overall upper body develop and helping you get the ripped chest and shoulders you’re looking for.

0:50 Prone cobra will help you build the nice V-shape back and give you the lean athletic look that women love.

1:09 Crunches are the simplest exercises you can do to develop ripped six pack abs.

Make sure you complete these exercises daily.

Hope this video serves you well.

And if you want more workouts that will get you shredded six pack abs FAST, check out this video NOW.

If you are serious about getting rid of your stubborn belly fat and get six pack abs. I recommend using “Afterburn Training.” Afterburn Training is my patented style of training that combines heavy, compound lifts with high intensity cardio.

I made a free video giving the scientific proof for why Afterburn Training gets you abs faster than any other way, and showing you exactly how you can use it in your workout. Check it out here:

Train Hard,


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