Diets Plans & Healthy Food : Child Mental Health Crisis In The Emergency Room

Child Mental Health Crisis In The Emergency Room



Nationwide, children & youth are going to Emergency Rooms to access mental health services. This brief video explains what Parents, Children and Mental Health providers should expect when a child is transported to the Emergency Room for a Mental Health Evaluation.
Purpose of this Video:
*To educate Mental Health providers about the process of referring a child to the Emergency Room for a Mental Health Evaluation.
*To reduce the anxiety that children and parents may have about the Emergency Room process.
*To increase parent/child understanding and compliance with Emergency Room process.
*To establish the expectations of parents, children, and providers.
*To deliver information to individuals who may have difficulty comprehending written material.
*To provide hospital staff & Mental Health providers with a tool to promote/assist in communication with parents & children.
*To encourage parents, children, and providers to engage in the process, ask questions and advocate for the child’s needs.


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