Diets Plans & Healthy Food : Healthy Late Night Snack Ideas!

Healthy Late Night Snack Ideas!



here are some of my most DELICIOUS late night snacks! 🙂 LETS GET TO 10,000 LIKES!!

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INSTAGRAM – @breelovesbeauty
SNAPCHAT – Cambria_Joy


protein brownies!

spiced up popcorn!
2 bags popcorn. 3 TBS melted coconut oil. cinnamon. stevia

chocolate pudding mouse!
1 ripe avocado. 1 banana. 2 TBS cocoa powder. stevia. blend. refrigerate.

healthy treats ~ sweet potato chips, ‘So Delicious’ 1G Sugar Chocolate Dessert, dried banana chips, Zevia, dark chocolate covered fruit

thanks for watching everyone! I hope you enjoyed I love you!! Remember to treat yourself – life isn’t about eating a perfectly “healthy diet” in fact, a healthy diet includes BALANCE which means treating yourself! so relax and enjoy a treat…even if it’s not so ‘healthy’. indulge! eat some real ice cream or order dessert at your favorite restaurant. promise yourself no more restriction. because restriction isn’t healthy either. love yourself enough to care for yourself in every way: exercise, right eating, sleep, and treats. be good to you 🙂 xx

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