4 Minute Ab Assault – Sick Home Ab Workout

4 Minute Ab Assault – Sick Home Ab Workout



How I turned my belly into ripped six pack abs.

Hey y’all, this is Mike Chang with sixpackshortcuts, and today I show you my freaking ripped abs and how I created them with the ab assault workout. This workout will help you burn off your belly fat and get all the women’s attention this year at the pool.

Video breakdown:

**30 seconds each exercise // 4 round no rest

Weighted crunch: Use a dumbbell weight of your choice, preferably something that you’re comfortable with. I suggest using a 5 or 10 pound dumbbell.

Russian twist: Make sure as you twist, avoid swinging too fast and causing an injury.

Elevated leg lift: As you kick your feet up in the air, get all the way to your upper traps where your neck is. Use your arms to help balance your body on the way up, but avoid using them for lifting your body.

I hope this video serves you well.

And If you want to get freaky ripped abs FAST, check this video out.

I used to have a ton of belly fat. And everywhere I would go I feel like everyone was staring at my belly. I hated the way I looked and worst of all, I hated not knowing how to make it go away. But everything turned around for me when I found this one simple workout “TRICK” that helped me burn off all my belly fat finally get me to ripped six pack abs and the body I’m so proud off.

Find out for yourself if this one workout trick will work for you like it did for me. You owe it to yourself to check this video out.

Train Hard,


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