Workout song : Mat Fraser- CrossFit Tabata

Mat Fraser- CrossFit Tabata



Mathew Fraser training- Mat demonstrates a CrossFit style Tabata workout while listening to “Tabata WOD” by Tabata Songs. Mat also takes a moment to talk about his athletic past, CrossFit training, and Tabata Songs music. This workout consists of:

-GHD situps
-Bar Muscle Ups
-Kettlebell Swings
-Wall Balls
-Burpee Box Jump Overs
-Overhead Squats

Filmed at Champlain Valley CrossFit in Williston, Vermont

TabataSongs creates music that matches the exact timing of the Tabata Protocol.

What is the Tabata Protocol? 20 Seconds of sprint/work, 10 second rest, for 4 straight minutes. Tabata music lets you focus on your workout, rather than think about having to look at your watch or a timer.

Tabata Training began in the mid 1990’s. Japanese fitness researcher Dr Izumi Tabata created a HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout, using this very method. Dr Tabata proved the tabata method to draw heavily from both the aerobic and anaerobic systems, unlike most conventional workouts, which tend heavily favor one or the other.

The Tabata Interval has gained a lot of recognition throughout the Crossfit community, running community, and health clubs across the globe, for its versatility, adaptability, and positive results.

The Tabata Interval Method has proven to maximize VO2 max, while also building endurance, burning fat, and retaining muscle. Though the Tabata was not designed as a fat loss or weight loss program, it has gained a lot of recent attention in response to tabatas ability to speed up the metabolism and burn fat.

Filmed by Jay Driscoll
Produced by Tabata Songs

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